One Day

One Day

I look forward to seeing all my friends
We will play and sing songs
Our words will not need to be measured
Like steps to safety

One day, one day
My family said one day

I yearn to dance with my grandfather
But he’s gone away
I don’t know where to I’m starting
To forget little things

One day, one day
My mama says one day

Hiding in the walls with my aunt
My parents are both gone
A long holiday they said
Fear in their eyes as they spoke

One day, one day
We will come home, one day

Separate from everyone I lived
Like the rat they said I was
Everyone is gone and still
I tell myself the same thing daily

One day, one day
We can go home, one day.

We will burn the yellow stars
Sing songs for the ancestors
Eat and be joyful
Hold one another as I leave earth

One day, one day
When we are home, one day.

-©Ailsa Cawley 2022

Author: ailsacawley

I have written since I can remember, devouring the stories of Roald Dahl under the covers by torchlight. I have always loved fairy tales, myths and magic. A good deal of the things I write has some truth in it. Others, not. I’m pleased you dropped by, please feel free to leave me a comment or if you’re kind enough to share that’s fine. ☺️

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